swissauto250 VT NAKED engine block
Launched in 2008 as EVOI swissauto250 engine
Evoluated to EVOII in 2010
In some cases it can be more beneficial to go for a naked block instead of rebuilding
the entire engine.
It is a dyno tested swissauto250 VT base motor that is striped to the minimum.
To complete the engine, the following parts must be added:
Engine mounts - Complete clutch - Charge coil - Ignition coil - Starter motor -
Starter gear with cover - Temperature sensor - Radiator silent block
The lead time to transform a NAKED block into a SPARE engine is around 10 minutes.
swissauto250 naked block engines are also often sold during high season, the time
of the year when dealers are very busy and likewise the time in which it is not
uncommon to be confronted with waiting times for engine rebuilds.